FFX-2 in-game wasted potential

Do any of you feel like FFX-2 brushed over certain topics?

FFX was really broken down and gave you lots of time to absorb concepts/story, sometimes a bit too slowly but I’d say it left a great impact.

FFX-2 presented so many interesting things they could’ve done so much more with, but they just brushed over it. Some examples that come to mind:

  • Lore behind Garment Grids/dresspheres. I know this game in and out, and there are probably two references to either of these concepts explaining them in the whole game. Instead of having important scene/segments that explain these things in detail, you have to piece together their lore bit by bit in a very easy-to-miss fashion, and even then they’re not fully explained

  • Unsent people in Via Infinito. You’re telling me you just saw YUNALESCA who was so significant in the last game plot-wise and gameplay wise, and all it shows is her turning into Chac? No “hey what’s up”? Not even a “gasp, Yunalesca!”. Could’ve added a lot more impact.

  • I feel like the weight of FFX isn’t really acknowledged in X-2. I personally don’t mind the tone of X-2, but like….some dramatic stuff just happened in the previous game. We not gonna talk about how the man you loved was a dream?

These are just things that come to mind, but I feel like there’s more im skipping over.

Do any of you feel like FFX-2 brushed over certain topics?

FFX was really broken down and gave you lots of time to absorb concepts/story, sometimes a bit too slowly but I’d say it left a great impact.

FFX-2 presented so many interesting things they could’ve done so much more with, but they just brushed over it. Some examples that come to mind:

  • Lore behind Garment Grids/dresspheres. I know this game in and out, and there are probably two references to either of these concepts explaining them in the whole game. Instead of having important scene/segments that explain these things in detail, you have to piece together their lore bit by bit in a very easy-to-miss fashion, and even then they’re not fully explained

  • Unsent people in Via Infinito. You’re telling me you just saw YUNALESCA who was so significant in the last game plot-wise and gameplay wise, and all it shows is her turning into Chac? No “hey what’s up”? Not even a “gasp, Yunalesca!”. Could’ve added a lot more impact.

  • I feel like the weight of FFX isn’t really acknowledged in X-2. I personally don’t mind the tone of X-2, but like….some dramatic stuff just happened in the previous game. We not gonna talk about how the man you loved was a dream?

These are just things that come to mind, but I feel like there’s more im skipping over.